Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon? | Is It Good Or Bad?

In the short answer to Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon? yes, they can. In fact, this tasty summer treat is a picnic favorite, but you may be wondering if you can share it with your bearded dragon. Any watermelon you place in front of her would almost certainly be devoured…but is it safe? Watermelon can be eaten by bearded dragons. We can also discuss, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is an uncommon delicacy for bearded dragons. Watermelon, in particular, is not extremely nutrient dense for dragons, making it less useful than other fruits with higher cheval.

Is Watermelon Good for Bearded Dragons?

Positive Things

A watermelon provides high amount of water. This means it’s a wonderful option for a hot summer day when you need to keep your bearded dragon hydrated.

Vitamin C and beta carotene are both beneficial to your bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, and growth.

Magnesium and potassium are also present. Magnesium is necessary for inflammation reduction and a healthy metabolism. Potassium helps your bearded dragon’s blood pressure stay in check.

Because watermelon contains sugar, it is also a favorite of most bearded dragons. Watermelon can be used to entice your bearded dragon to eat if they’ve lost their appetite for whatever reason.

Negative things

Watermelons contain sugar, which makes them tasty to your beardie, but it also means they can quickly absorb too much sugar if they eat them frequently. Sugar overload might cause your bearded dragon to gain weight.

Tooth decay and dental plaque are both caused by sugar. Because a bearded dragon’s teeth are closely attached to its jaw, any dental problems can result in irritation and pain across the entire jaw.

Watermelon is not nutritionally dense, despite the fact that it contains important vitamins and minerals. While your bearded dragon may enjoy the taste, watermelon does not provide many nutritional advantages.

Phosphorus and calcium are also found in watermelon. The phosphorus content is higher than the calcium content. The phosphorous molecules link to the calcium, preventing it from being properly absorbed into the bloodstream of your bearded dragon. This can eventually develop to metabolic bone disease (MBD).

MBD can cause your bearded dragon’s skeletal structure to become weak or malformed over time. If left untreated, it can lead to paralysis and possibly death.

Whether you give your bearded dragon watermelon or not, you should always increase their calcium intake.

Even though watermelon is deemed acceptable for bearded dragons to eat, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep your beardie healthy.

Let’s take a deeper look at what you need know before feeding your dragon watermelon.

Because bearded dragons’ teeth are connected directly to their jaw, any problems with their teeth might cause issues with their bones, resulting in inflammation and pain, according to Vet Street.

Learn everything you need to know about your bearded dragon’s teeth in this recent post.

Calcium deficiency

Watermelons are poor in calcium, which is something you should be aware of.

Calcium is essential for bearded dragon health, and feeding them a calcium-rich diet can help them avoid serious and life-threatening infections.

In fact, according to Pet-MD, a lack of calcium is the leading cause of metabolic bone disease in reptiles.

Metabolic bone disease, or MBD, affects a reptile’s bones badly, according to Pet-MD. It can cause your reptile to hobble, struggle to pick up its body, refuse to feed, and much more.

Unfortunately, watermelons and most fruits in general are low in calcium, so it’s not a smart idea to stuff your beardie with something that won’t help them meet their daily calcium requirements.

All major veterinarians and nutritionists, including Vet stream, recommend giving your bearded dragon a high-quality calcium supplement in addition to a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

If you’re not sure if you’re giving your beardie a calcium supplement or if you are, check out this page where we list our favorite calcium, multivitamin, and other supplements.

Additionally, if you simply want to understand more about why your bearded dragon requires calcium, we have a section dedicated to the subject.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelons Frequently?

The subject of how often your bearded dragon can eat watermelons is an excellent one that requires an answer.

As you may have guessed, feeding your dragon watermelons on a daily basis is not suggested.

When compared to staple greens and veggies like kale and watercress, it has a high sugar content, low calcium (and a poor phosphorus ratio), and a lack of other vital elements, making it something that should only be eaten on rare occasions.

Watermelons, and other fruits for that matter, should only be fed once a month and in small amounts, such as a salad topper.

If you follow this advice, your dragon will be able to eat watermelons without suffering any health consequences.

How to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Watermelons

Are you ready to feed some watermelon to your bearded dragon? Providing these delectable delights is simple, but it does require some planning ahead of time to minimize problems.

The proper way to feed a bearded dragon watermelon is as follows.

Pick A Ripe Melon

Take your time to select one that is fully ripe. Your bearded dragon can only consume a few little slices of watermelon, but they must be ripe and nutritious.

Unripe melons have a higher fiber content. As a result, they are firmer and more difficult to consume.

Overly ripe fruits, on the other hand, aren’t particularly appealing. It loses its attraction as the flavor and texture change.

Expert Advice: Give your bearded dragon only organic watermelons if at all possible. Organic fruits are grown without the use of herbicides or harsh chemical fertilizers. They don’t contain any possibly toxic residues, which is always preferable for your bearded dragon.

Seeds should be removed.

Remove the seeds and slice the watermelon into manageable pieces.

You can choose from seedless watermelon varieties. However, don’t think a seedless melon is completely seedless. It’s not uncommon to come upon errant seeds now and then.

Remove all parts from the watermelon you’re going to give your bearded dragon. Because you’ll only be giving them a few small bits, this shouldn’t be too tough.

Cut into small chunks

Watermelon can be eaten by bearded dragons; however, the ideal bite size is only one teaspoon! Teaspoon-sized chunks are safe and easy to manage.

Expert Tip: Smaller chunks may be required for younger lizards, so adjust appropriately.

If you’re feeding watermelon for the first time, start with a quarter teaspoon. You can then gradually ease your pet reptile’s intestines and monitor their response. You can gradually increase to a teaspoon-sized bit as long as they don’t respond unfavorably.

How to Serve Watermelon to beard dragon?

Watermelon can be fed to your bearded dragon in a few different ways.

The most common approach is to offer it as a standalone dessert. Your bearded dragon will devour it without hesitation!

Alternatively, you can shred the pieces into even smaller portions and mix them into a regular meal. If your pet lizard is finicky, this method is a good choice.

The lovely perfume and flavor will tempt children to eat more greens and veggies.

Last Thoughts

Bearded dragons can eat watermelon, but only in moderation and with proper preparation. But don’t worry, as long as you follow the guidelines above, you shouldn’t have any problems!