Cat Zoomies: Why Your Cat Gets Them & Tips For Stopping it.

Cat Zoomies: Why Your Cat Gets Them & Tips For Stopping it.

If you’ve ever seen your cat go from catnapping to making a mad run across the floor in a matter of seconds, they’ve definitely had a case of the cat zoomies. But what are cat zoomies, and why does your normally calm cat suddenly become energized?

What are “cat zoomies”?

Zoomies are periods of hyperactivity in which your cat can move around the house quickly, possibly in laps or up and down the stairs. All of this could then come to a screeching halt, and your cat could regain her relaxed state from before she got the zoomies! Frenetic Random Activity Periods is the medical word for zoomies.

A ‘frenetic random activity phase,’ or FRAP, is another term for this type of behavior. It’s a normal behavior that many cats exhibit, but it’s more common in younger cats or cats who only spend time indoors. Although a burst of ‘frapping’ every now and then is usual, if your cat is having the zoomies on a regular basis, it may be a sign of under-stimulation and frustration.
Not only will this be traumatic for your pet, but it will also be stressful for you as they tear through your house, smashing curtains and disturbing your lie-in.

What Causes Cats to Get the Zoomies?

Although it’s fairly easy to say if your cat is suffering from the zoomies, the cause may be more enigmatic. What are the origins of cat zoomies? Three of the most popular theories are listed below.

1. Sleeping Patterns
After a long nap, cats always experience zoomies. Cats sleep for a large portion of the day to save energy (they can sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours per day), but when they’re awake, they’re really awake. Running from one end of the house to the other after a long catnap is great for your cat. This will to re-energize their mind and body.

2. Instinct for Hunting
Cats, despite receiving all of their food from their pet parents, are natural hunters with a predatory instinct. It can appear that your cat is chasing nothing when, in fact, they are chasing imaginary prey. To get a sense of your cat’s hunting prowess, throw a few bits of kibble down the hall and see how easily they chase it down.

3. Issues with the Bathroom
After using the litter box, several cats appear to do a victory lap. Some cats would run around like crazy after having a bowel movement, particularly if it was unpleasant. According to Dr. Mike Paul of the Pet Health Network, “infections or inflammatory processes affecting the urinary tract, colon, or rectum can cause such irritation.” “It may also be a constipation problem.”

There are a few easy things you can do to help if you think your cat is annoyed…

1. Play continuously during the day
Daily play sessions with your cat are a perfect way to allow them to work off their excess energy. Spread out a few brief five-minute play sessions during the day to keep them occupied instead of one long 15-minute play session throughout the evening. Use various toys, such as fishing rods, ping pong balls, and kickeroos, to change up the styles of play they engage in.

2. Allow them to catch
Although playing with your cat is a great way to keep him from being frustrated, some toys may have the opposite effect. The ability to capture and ‘kill’ the toy, which activates happy hormones in their brain. It also provides the majority of the pleasure cats get from playing. Laser pointers and videos of mice and fish on a laptop screen can attract your cat’s attention, but they’ll be disappointed because they can’t physically catch what they’re chasing.

3. Feed often and in small amounts.
Instead of eating a few large meals during the day, cats tend to consume three or four smaller meals during the day to maintain their energy levels. You may also feed them with puzzle feeders. It will provide them with some physical and mental stimulation while they eat. You can buy a variety of great puzzle feeders or try your hand at making your own at home.

4. Try some training
Training your cat to perform tricks is a perfect way to keep them mentally entertained. That’s right, dogs aren’t the only animals that can be conditioned! Simply use positive reinforcement, such as giving them candy or making a big deal when they get it right. It’s better than punishing them for doing anything wrong.

5. Keep your cats away from neighbor cats.
If your cat is an indoor-only cat, it can become irritated. Especially if they see other cats out the window but are unable to scare them away from their territory. To keep your cat oblivious to these fellow felines, block the lower part of your windows with some paper. It will make sure they can’t get into the building, block the lower part of your windows.

6. Build a relaxing atmosphere
Provide your cat with cat grass and other cat-friendly plants to explore, as well as plenty of hiding spots. This will keep them comfortable and happy at home. Cats love cardboard boxes because being able to hide inside makes them feel comfortable and reduces their tension. Having a few empty shelves or windowsills to sit on will also help them relax. Since they will be able to survey their surroundings from a safe distance.

When to call the Vet?

There’s no need to be concerned if your zooming cat is otherwise healthy. Pounce location of a gray spotted cat on a hardwood floor. Keep an eye out for any other odd activities that might indicate something is wrong if you notice excessive zooming. Weight loss, shifts in litter box use, or irregular vocalization, for instance, should cause you to take your cat to the veterinarian. As cats get older, they’re more likely to change their attitudes.

Participating in the zoomies is a perfect way to bond with your cat, help them release pent-up energy, and wear them out before their next nap. Plus, your cat may be attempting to communicate with you by bounding aimlessly around the building. After all, we all know that your pet, not the other way around, is in charge of you.

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