How Much Sleep Do Budgies Need?

how much sleep do budgies need?

A budgie sleeps for 10 to 12 hours per day in a 24 hour cycle.

The majority of a budgie’s sleeping occurs at night, when its body clock is automatically synchronized with the sun’s setting and rising. Budgies in the wild typically go to bed around sunset and wake up at dawn to forage for food and water.

Budgies will sleep at any time of the day if they are tired. It’s deceptive because a bird in a Chicago home will go to bed at 5 a.m. in the winter and 8 a.m. in the summer for that to happen.

Budgies in captivity also have the innate ability to sleep according to the sun’s cycle. This is perfect for budgies in outdoor cages or aviaries where the natural cycle is not disrupted by artificial light.

Budgie owners who keep their pets indoors should be aware of how artificial light impacts the sleeping habits of their feathered mates. While many budgie owners enjoy staying up late at night, a budgie’s wellbeing will suffer as a result of late bedtimes.

What is the light cycle appropriate for your budgie?

“Remember that they go to sleep when the sun sets and wake up when it rises again,” says the narrator. It’s deceptive because a bird in a Chicago home will go to bed at five o’clock in the winter and eight o’clock in the summer for that to happen.

It’s deceptive because a bird in a Chicago home will go to bed at 5 a.m. in the winter and 8 a.m. in the summer for that to happen. That isn’t the case, as we all know. When a bird sleeps, whether it’s a budgie or an African gray, they don’t always sleep all night.

Catherine Tobsing, CEO of, said, “We share a very big loft area with our African ringneck Keto in the suburban section of Windy City Parrot.” If I even raise my head from the pillow, Keto will start talking from under his cage cover.

Furthermore, due to a phenomenon known as Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, birds may remain half-asleep and half-awake (USWS) Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS) is a form of sleep in which one half of the brain is asleep while the other is awake. In comparison to normal sleep, when both eyes are closed and both halves of the brain are asleep, this is not the case. One half of the brain is in deep sleep, a form of non-rapid eye movement sleep, and the eye corresponding to this half is closed while the other eye remains open in USWS, also known as asymmetric slow-wave sleep.

Finally, a parrot divides his or her daytime tasks into three categories. Preening, sleeping, and eating and or foraging for food. Your budgie is an Australian native. Australia is about 40 degrees south of the equatorial plane of the earth. As a result, your parakeet has been anticipating approximately 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness for 100 million years (literally).

Your hardware configuration is right if you have artificial lighting that is no more than 6 inches above your bird’s cage and is controlled by a timer. The idea is to keep the budgie in its cage when the light first turns on, and then put it back in after a day of playful flight until the light turns off for the night. This is how we teach our pet birds to recognize the start and end of the day.

Artificial light aids in the synchronization of their circadian rhythms. Sun, which is processed by the pineal gland behind the right eye, provides an immense amount of knowledge to birds (humans have one too.) Millions of melatonin cells vibrate like little metronomes within the gland, allowing them to hold such precise time.

How Do Parakeets Get Their Sleep?

Closed eyes: When a parakeet closes its eyes, it is most likely sleeping, napping, or just feeling very relaxed and comfortable.

Head Tucked: A parakeet’s face is often tucked into its feathers when sleeping. Their heads will either be tucked into their necks or rest against their backs.

One Leg Up: Since their legs are featherless, these birds sometimes tuck one leg up underneath themselves to avoid heat loss.

Why Do Budgies Sleep in the Daytime?

If your pet sleeps for long periods of time during the day, it may be a sign of a more serious problem, such as sickness or difficulty sleeping at night.

There are a variety of reasons why your pet budgie sleeps during the day, and not all of them are detrimental. The first reason may simply be that they are exhausted and need a break, just like the rest of us.

These sleep periods usually last between thirty and forty-five minutes and generally follow bouts of active play or flight. Remember, these birds are just like us in that they need a bit of a rest after they’ve done a lot of physical activity.

It can also mean that the bird isn’t getting enough sleep at night, so you might have to move them to a more quiet location or invest in a quality cage cover that allows them to get rest at a more appropriate time.

But if the time spent is longer or seems to be out of character for your pet, it is time to start looking into other possible options. Illness and depression are all possible causes. And so is a change in diet causing digestive distress or mineral imbalance. These are both common reasons why a budgie might sleep during the day.

If you notice your bird is acting out of character or fluffing up to sleep inside his or her cage in for extra long stretches in the middle of the day, it would be a good idea to talk with a veterinarian who specializes in avian care before the problem worsens.

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Bird Sleeping?

The majority of pet birds take naps during the day, which is perfectly common for virtually all species of pets. If you notice that your parakeet spends a lot of time sleeping during the day, it may be a sign of some health or routine problem.

It is important to remember, however, that most budgies sleep between ten and twelve hours a day. Your pet’s sleeping pattern can differ slightly.

However, if the trend seems to be off, there might be another thing to be worried about. The first thing to check is if your budgie is sleeping soundly at night.

If they are, you can investigate if they have any other health issues that are causing them to need more sleep during the day. If not, consider a more secluded cage, a high-quality cover, and plenty of cozy and stable perches for a restful night’s sleep.

And If you’ve tried both of these methods and your budgie is still sleeping for the majority of the day, it’s time to consider a more serious health issue. Look for signs like a failure to eat or drink, extra runny poop, or general lethargy in this situation.

These are both signs of depression as well as other health issues.

How to help your budgie get a good sleep

Now that you know how budgies sleep, there are a few easy ways to assist our pet budgies in getting a good night’s sleep.

Assemble some comfortable sleeping perches.

Since budgies like to sleep on high perches in trees, make sure your pet budgie has at least one high perch in his or her cage.

A budgie perch should have a diameter of 12 – 16mm (15/32′′ – 2/8′′) and be made of natural wood that hasn’t been treated with chemicals.

If you have more than one budgie, make sure there is enough space on the highest perch for all of them. Due to a lack of room on the highest perch for all of your budgies, fights over the best perching positions will occur.

At night, cover your budgie cage.

If you have your budgie indoors, cover the cage with a cover to provide darkness. Budgies need a daily bedtime routine that closely mimics the natural cycle of the sun.

Cover your budgie cage with a cage cover like this or this, a towel, or a blanket at the same time every night. Make sure the cover filters out the majority of light while also allowing ventilation into the enclosure.

If your budgie is surprised when you first start using a cage cover, don’t worry; it will soon get used to the routine and enjoy having a dark place to sleep.

If your budgie is unable to tolerate full darkness, place a soft night light in the room that simulates dull moonlight.

Reduce the noise.

It’s not only dark where budgies sleep in the wild, but it’s also very quiet, so make sure wherever your budgie sleeps is also very quiet.

Loud noises can startle a budgie at night, causing them to fly in all directions and hurt themselves, in addition to keeping them awake.

Keep the room at a comfortable temperature.

When it comes to sleeping, budgies don’t like it when it’s too cold or too hot. Keep the room where your budgie cage is kept at a comfortable temperature.

If your budgies live outside, make sure their cage has a room where they can be shielded from any breezes, and if you live anywhere that has freezing temperatures all year, bring them inside.