Bearded Dragon sleeping positions – How Do Bearded Dragon Sleep?

In many aspects, bearded dragons sleep as humans do, like at night without lights and usually lying down. Some of the Bearded Dragons have strange sleeping habits and also positions.

Some bearded dragons’ sleep habits are unusual, cute, and healthy. Knowing how your pet reptile sleeps can provide more care, which means good care at critical times.

Bearded Dragons also need more sleep than humans and mammals, and it is normal to see them sleep in strange positions.

Bearded Dragons are expensive pets because of their ease of care and entertaining behavior such as Arm Waving, Threat Pose, and unusual sleeping styles.

Let’s go further into the Sleep Structure and other interesting facts of Bearded Dragon’s sleep in exclusive positions.


Similar to that of Humans, the Bearded dragon’s schedule is also the same as they are identical to humans are also diurnal: they stay awake in the day and sleep at night. Naturally, they are found to be watchful since the sun is up and fall asleep when its night time. That means they should be sleeping with you where you are.

However, bearded dragons have to get more sleep than humans. Beardies or bearded dragons need a rest of 8-12 hours, and that’s for both baby beards and adults. Besides sleeping for 8-12 hours in winters, they would be sleeping for more hours as the nights are longer than days.

They require this much time of sleep for growth and excellent health. To be in an ideal situation, one can keep bearded dragons on a regular schedule by turning heat or lamp off at the same time in the night and same time in the morning.


In the wild bearded dragons sleep in sheltered areas safe from natural damage and predators. These areas are tree holes or hollow trees, underneath logs, rock holes or hollows, den, or any other sheltered room to keep them safe from predators and be warm at night.

In captivity, they need to be provided with a sleeping area, an area without distractions, and it should be secure and safe. Their hideouts or hiding places make it perfect for them to take a nap.


Just like other mammals, bearded dragons also need darkness to sleep. One Bearded Dragon needs 10 hours of UVB light exposure in the day. These pets require darkness for good sleep. Turning the lamp off simultaneously each night will disturb the bearded dragon’s sleep. If the pet owner is worried about their warmth, they can use ceramic heaters, heat mats, or other things to keep them warm without light emission.


Bearded dragons sleep with their eyes shut, then don’t sleep with open eyes. However, they may open their eyes if some light is turned on. They are sensitive to light like other mammals and humans, and sunlight can disrupt their sleep badly. They can sleep with their eyes open, but only if there is much light, and still, their sleep will be negatively affected.

While handling bearded dragons, they may close their eyes. When that happens, it means that the lizard is not asleep.


            Sleeping with eyes closed.

            Lying on the stomach.

            Sleep while standing up onto a tree.

            Standing up against vivarium wall.

            Burying myself in the sand to sleep warm.

            They turn into a lighter shade of color when sleeping.

            Turn into a darker shade of color when they wake up.

            Odd sleeping styles.

            Standing up with open arms belly on the log.

            In the wild, they would sleep in trees.

            They will also sleep in vertical upfront positions.

            Sleeping Upright in their enclosures.

            In Brumation which is Hibernation for the reptiles, these bearded dragons sleep for Days, weeks, and also for months.

            In their deep sleep, they lower their respiration so much that it becomes hard to tell if they are even breathing or not.


Bearded Dragon Sleep habits are very similar to humans, but their sleeping positions are super strange and Extraordinary. Some of their patterns and sleep positions appear harmful and unhealthy, but they are pretty average.